Serving Others Through Sales!

Do you have a desire or a passion to serve others?  Everyone or Everything is selling something.  Just last night I was negotiating a deal. I had to define the Problem...not my problem, but what the customer perceived as the Problem.

     1) What was the need of the client?
     2) Was I able to help the client understand the perceived problem?
     3) Did what I was offering provide a solution?

Ultimately we are solution providers!  Individuals in search of a long term relationships, that allow the customer to be the Big winner in the sales process!  We are all serving people in some way.
Sales is Service!

What Service are you Providing?
What Problem do you help solve?
Can you really help the buyer?

Don't miss the problem perspective, it is never about what we do or provide, but what the client needs. 
Let's Serve others through Sales!


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