One Conversation at a Time!

I love summer for many reasons, I feel connected with nature, I love the smell of rain, and how the Lake comes alive.  We live on The beautiful Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri and most every hour I am home, I am outside.  My morning routine includes time on the dock soaking in the sounds of nature and being present in the tranquil calming effects of water all around me.  I utilize an app called 8 fit for my morning workout and listen to a podcast as I workout.  Multitasking even during a workout!  It is a sickness “Multitasking” I am sure of it!  

Yesterday I listened to “The One Thing” podcast with Geoff Woods, He was speaking with Susan Scott, who wrote “Fierce Conversations.”  I had to listen to the episode again later in the day to take notes.  What a real, amazing woman Susan was as she shared her story & discussed her National Bestseller.  I want to meet Susan Scott one day!

Her message was simple, We can each have positive change in our lives, our business, and our families through powerful communication.  Being a Communication major, who has lived in the Medical Device work for 30 years, I have always believed relationships are where the sale begins, the friendship strengths and the partnership grows.  Susan focuses on the Conversation, in fact. the conversation IS the relationship, not ABOUT the relationship.

“Every thing in life succeeds or fails one Conversation at a time!”
Susan Scott

I would label myself as a multitasker, but when it comes to people and conversations, I believe in being present.  Fully present!  Taking time to look into the eyes of the individual you are speaking with or if on a phone call putting all other distractions away, so you can just listen.  
Listening is a gift we can give everyone we encounter. 
Enriching the lives of others is a rare experience and it is memeorable!  
Be present as if it matters, because it does!
I am thankful for the One Thing podcast and their commitment to discussing topics that help me take action in my life!  What conversations are you having today?  Are you present?

HeartWork Inspires,


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