Be a Difference Maker!

Take a second to think about all of the people who have disappointed you in the last week. Did something happen at work with your boss or your colleagues? Did your employees fall short of your expectations? It is so easy for us to be let down because of the exceedingly high expectations that we place in others. It’s human nature that we remember those times in which we were let down rather than when we were proud.

We can easily see the things that disappoint us, but when we are constantly on the lookout for the bad rather then the good, we fail to see the true potential of our employees or family. We begin to have tunnel vision and thus, locking them in a place in which they become stagnant in our expectations. This not only impacts our relationships, but it impacts our business as well. If we want our employees to portray a positive image, one of passion and service, then passion and service is what we must pour into our employees. One way we can accomplish this is by starting each day with a grateful heart. What heartwork will you do today to focus on the good?

Ya’ll, let me tell you something: when we choose to see the good in others, it makes our lives so much easier and so much more worthwhile. We weren’t put on this earth to build a business. We were put on this earth to build up people by cherishing and loving them. Make that conscious decision to continually see the good in every single person we come into contact with whether that be family, friends, your boss, employees or colleagues. We have the opportunity each and every day to go all in – with all that we are and all that we want to be. We have the power to create change in our circle of influence. Show up today with gratitude in your heart and servant hands.

"Wherever you go, go with all your heart." - Confucius

In His spirit,

Madison Byrd
Heartwork Inspires
Director of Social Media


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